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Nos poneys de club :

Joris: poney shetland, 86 cm

Ostrogo: poney shetland, 85 cm

Zeus: poney shetland, 87 cm

Mendoline : poney shetland, 1m05

Fantaisie : poney shetland, 1m04

Phybie: poney B, 1m20

Karamel: poney C, 1m30

Bieautiful : poney C, 1m35

Nos chevaux de club :

Simao: cheval ibérique, 1m50

Ivoire: croisé haflinger, 1m52

Rianthe: haflinger, 1m49

Réal: trotteur français, 1m69

Tibet: trait poitevin, 1m64

My Name copyright 2023 no animals were harmed in the making

my business copyright 2000 no animals were harmed in the making

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